Friday, March 9, 2012

Share Time

So, how about a little giggle. My TA was correcting homework during Morning Meeting yesterday and she stopped me in the middle of a sentence to hand this to me. The kids' assignment was to write ten nouns with adjectives before them. (ex. purple dress) You'll know the one I'm referring to when you see it. My TA didn't even correct it because she thought it was too cute to fix!

Here are some other photos of things that have been going on over the last few weeks:
One of our Friday activities that wrapped up Dinosaur Week:

First we used our paleontologist tools to excavate dinosaur bones from a block of dirt.

Look! We are finding bones. This one kinda looks like a Ruffle! :)

Then, we took turns searching for dino eggs and fossils. Some of us found fossils, and some of us found dino skulls!

What a fun day! I was told numerous times that I am the "best teacher ever!" 
**big grin**

We all know that February was Black History Month. Our school required each teacher to choose an African American to honor for the month. We were to decorate our door and do an activity with our students in the classroom. I refused to pick some boring individual that the students are going to learn about sixteen more times before they graduate. So, I chose one of my favorite musicians. 

Alicia Keys!!!

The kids LOVED it! So did our principal and everyone who walked by and saw our door and projects. Look below and what we did. 

I love Alicia and I had NO IDEA how perfect of a choice she was until I started to research her! She was a wonderful role model to introduce to these students!

Our door:
Please excuse the HORRIBLE quality of these!

 A close-up of the top. Don't have one of the bottom. Well, I do I just can't find it!

And yes, that is my reflection in the window in my crazy polka dot hat I wore for Hat Day!

For our follow-up activity, I played Alicia Keys on my iPod all day one day as we made these cutie-patootie guitars! (And I know, she plays the piano not the guitar...)

a) guitars are way cuter than pianos
b) I couldn't find piano cut outs
c) Alicia Keys actually can play the guitar almost as well as the piano- so it's OKAY.

So, I let them decorate the guitars with whatever random art supplies I could get my hands on. Scrapbook paper, ribbon, felt stickers, foam stickers, pipe cleaners, etc. Then on the back they had to choose three or more facts about Alicia that I had on the Promethean Board, write them down, and glue them to the back. 

Sorry this writing pic is sideways!! Couldn't fix it. 

Lastly, I am going to post a couple pics of our science fair experiment we did for the Science Fair this year. Our project won first place!!

We called it Rainbow Milk. 
I'm sure you've seen it before. I got the idea from Cara at the First Grade Parade!

 First we put the drops of food coloring in the middle of the plates of milk. 

 Then we dunked the Dawn coated q-tip in the middle of the food coloring. 
It was so cool!

 This was our favorite!

What a fun experiment. We were having a really bad storm on this day and our electricity kept flickering. I was so upset. I cursed and threatened Mother Nature and she held off until after school let out to take the power away.

Whew, long post. But I had lots to catch up on being new and all. 
Thanks for reading :)

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